
Saturday, September 28, 2013

Grilled rack of lamb and duck fried potatoes

I have been absent from the blog for a few of weeks, as summer, catering and weekends out of town got in the way.  But the summer is over :( the catering is all done and time to settle back down in to my routines.  This meal is one that I cooked up at Pender Harbour earlier in the summer and was enjoyed by my good friend and I as we spent a couple of days capturing a little peace and quiet.

If the sun is not shining and you do not want to use the barbecue, these would be just as good cooked under the broiler.

1 rack of lamb
2 tablespoons of grainy mustard
Sprig of fresh rosemary stripped from the stalk
Salt and pepper

Cut the lamb rack into cutlets and then coat in the mustard salt and pepper.  then press the rosemary into the meat.  

I left this to mellow while we went for a walk. then heated up the barbecue. These cook quickly as lamb chops are really best when pink in the middle.

The duck potatoes were a happy happenstance.  We had some left over cooked new potatoes and some duck fat in the freezer. This is a good thing to find in your fridge or freezer and if I ever cook duck I am careful to keep the fat. So we just sauteed the cut up potatoes in the duck fat.

These turned out spectacularly, (if not particularly weight watchers friendly)

After the lamb chops were seared on each side for a few minutes we served them out on the deck with the potatoes and an arugula beet and goat cheese salad.

This was a delicious simple meal, probably one of my favourite of the summer.

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