
Sunday, July 31, 2011

Pickled red cabbage

Pickled red cabbage is something that I remember from my childhood in England.  This was something we had mostly at Christmas as it goes very well with cold meat, left over turkey or ham perhaps. Any way My husband bought this beautiful big red cabbage at the farmers Market in Penticton.

 The only thing to do was make pickled red cabbage.

I had never made this before but it fit in to my eating local and in season as advocated by Barbara Kingsolver's book "Animal Vegetable Miracle". In order to eat seasonally all year round, you have to preserve some things to be consumed in the long cold days of winter when there is very little grown locally.  So armed with my computer and google I searched the Internet for recipes for pickled red cabbage.  I found quite a few and the one I liked the sound of the most was on this seemed simple and I followed the instructions. There were very few measurements, I guess it really depends on the size of your cabbage.

Take off the outside decayed leaves of a nice red cabbage, cut it into quarters, remove the stalks, and cut it across in very thin slices. Lay these on a dish, and cover them plentifully with salt, then cover with another dish.

Leave for 24 hours

Turn into a colander to drain and rinse thoroughly

Boil the following together

1 litre of malt or apple cider vinegar
1 teaspoon of dried ginger
6 whole cloves
1 tablespoon of yellow mustard seeds
2 bay leaves

Let this cool and put the jars through the dishwasher or boil up in a canning pot.

 Place the cabbage  in the jars; packing it tightly,  pour the cooled vinegar over the cabbage. It will be fit for use in a week or two, but if kept for a very long time, the cabbage is liable to get soft and discoloured. To be really nice and crisp, and of a good red colour, it should be eaten almost immediately after it is made. But actually I quite like it when it has gone soft so hopefully I will be having some pickled cabbage with my christmas left overs this year.


  1. This looks wonderful....almost Slavic by my experince. Look forward to those winter meals with this on the plate!

  2. You should have placed a warning on this recipe. The apple cider vinegar STUNK UP THE HOUSE!!
    I'm hoping it tastes better thsn it smells.
